The Mitigation Commission is required by the CUP Completion Act (the federal law that
created the Commission) to be composed of five Utah residents. The
President of the United States appoints all members from nominations
from separate sources: one from the U.S. Senate; one from the U.S. House
of Representatives; one from the Central Utah Water Conservancy
District (the entity primarily responsible for constructing the Central Utah Project, for which mitigation
must be completed); and two from the Governor of Utah – one from the
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and one recommended by Utah
environmental organizations. Except for the District representative, all
members are to have training or experience in wildlife or environmental
conservation matters. The Commission is responsible for appointing a
Director, who in turn is responsible for hiring staff.
Current Commission and staff consist of the
Brad Barber, Chair (Utah Environmental Organizations)
Gene Shawcroft (Central Utah Water Conservancy
Robert L. Morgan (Senate)
J. Shirley (Utah Division of Wildlife Resources)
Nomination Pending: (House)
Michael D. Mills, Executive Director
Kim Rodgers, Administrative Assistant
Paul Abate, Project Coordinator
Jessie Stegmeier, Project Coordinator
Isabelle Simmons, Natural Resource Specialist
Paula Trater, Biological Technician
Diane Simmons, Public Information Officer
Channa Vyfvinkel, Financial Officer