high mountain lakes stabilization project
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Selection Marker ImageEarly Life in the Uintas
Selection Marker ImageIrrigation Developments
Selection Marker ImageHistoric Dam Construction
Selection Marker ImagePurpose of Stabilizing the High Lakes
Selection Marker ImageStabilization Process

The Central Utah Project Completion Act (CUPCA) authorized the Uinta Basin Replacement Project (UBRP) in 2000. The purpose of UBRP is to achieve greater water conservation and increase efficiency of beneficial uses of water within the Uinta Basin, in northeastern Utah. The Central Utah Water Conservancy District completed the Project's water development features. The Mitigation Commission was made responsible for mitigating effects of UBRP, which included stabilizing thirteen High Mountain Lakes in the High Uinta Wilderness Area.


U.S. Department of the Interior CUPCA Office

U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation

U.S. Forest Service, Ashley National Forest

Utah Department of Natural Resources

Central Utah Water Conservancy District

Duchesne County Water Conservancy District

Utah State Historical Society

State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)

Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record/Historic Landscapes Survey (HABS/HAER) Searchable On-line Collection


Ashley National Forest Home Page
Dept of Natural Resources Home Page
contact us Dept of Interior home page cuwcd home page MLWUA small business info Mitigation Commission Home Page Bureau of Reclamation Provo Office
dcwcd home page